Ready to get clarity in how you’re marketing your services?

It’s time to align your brand with your business.

If you’re ready to take your marketing to the next level, the Brand Clarity Coaching program is the perfect solution. We’ll make sure your marketing strategy aligns with the goals you’re setting in your business - and I’ll give you the exact blueprint to execute everything, instead of having to figure it out alone.

Let’s connect the dots, together.

We’ll meet bi-weekly to discuss active projects and get my feedback, brainstorm new ideas, discuss challenges you’re facing in your business, and more.

These sessions are 100% customizable to your unique needs, to help you get really clear on what your next move is.

Some of the top ways clients use their time with me:

Developing a marketing plan

We’ll build your marketing plan together, identifying the most impactful ways to attract, engage, and convert customers and position you as a credible expert in your industry.

Creating content to build email lists

We’ll identify your best topics to turn into free content you can use to attract your ideal customer and start building out your email list.

Designing a signature program or offer

We’ll transform your skillset and knowledge into a fully designed program that helps you reach a wider audience and drive new income into your business.

Reviewing and editing work

We’ll review anything you’ve created – and edit in real time – so you can feel confident with anything you’re about to launch, pitch, or post.

Launching a podcast

We’ll walk through every step to launching your own podcast: branding, recording, the technology you’ll need, and the content strategy to bring your idea to life.

Repositioning products or services

We’ll analyze the way you communicate your brand story and the problems your products or services solve, to convert more customers and create a loyal following.

Solving business or marketing challenges

We’ll work through a challenge you’re facing in your business and come up with a game plan to help you move forward clearly and confidently.

Identifying missed opportunities

We’ll look at your business from a fresh perspective, identifying gaps in your marketing strategy, new programs or services you can offer, programs you could be running, and more to give you clarity and continue to enhance your brand.

Brainstorming new ideas

We’ll come up with new ideas to promote your business, or take an idea you already have and map out exactly how to execute it so it’s on brand and has the impact you’re looking for.

How It Works:

Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect from the Brand Clarity Coaching program.

  • I'll deep dive into your brand, analyzing everything from how you position your products or services, the way you engage with your audience, conversion tactics, and more to help you take your brand to the next level.

  • One-hour call to discuss your business goals, your current marketing strategy, things you’re struggling with, the findings from the brand audit, and the major areas you’d like support from me.

  • Everything from the strategy call gets transferred to a digital progress plan that we both have access to and will review every time we meet for that extra accountability from me.

  • The first part of every call is spent reviewing your progress on active projects, and then the calls are yours to customize! This is your time to tap into my branding expertise or get clarity in any area that is holding your business back.

    Requirement: minimum of 3-months

Proven results for servicepreneurs like you: