Creating the foundation for your entire marketing plan

Let’s take you from content CONFUSION to content CLARITY

It’s easy to get stuck in the day-to-day of your own business and feel like you don’t have anything to talk about. But the truth is, you have a ton of information to share with your ideal clients, you just need someone who knows how to pull it out of you – and that’s exactly what I’ll do.

Using my signature framework, we’ll create your personalized Content Blueprint that makes promoting your business so much easier, so you never have to say “I don’t know what to talk about” again.

It all starts with a solid foundation.

The Content Blueprint Program is designed to transform your expertise into a full-blown content strategy that helps you win new clients, drive revenue, and positions you as a credible expert in your industry.

This isn’t a generic content calendar. Or ChatGPT prompts. Or a list of random topic ideas. It’s a proven formula that I’ve used with countless Fortune 500 c-suite executives, business leaders, and startups, 100% customized to you and your business.

Together, we’ll identify the marketable topics in your service-based business—so you can confidently show up and promote your business across any marketing channel.

What’s Included:

Here’s a breakdown of everything we’ll cover in the Content Blueprint Program.

  • We'll kick things off with a brand audit, where I'll analyze your digital footprint and provide a high-level overview of your current brand positioning, audience engagement, areas of opportunity for content creation, and strategic ways to improve your online presence.

  • We’ll get really clear on who your ideal client is, so everything you do to promote your business – from the content on your website, the way you pitch your services, the content across every marketing channel, and more – will 100% resonate with them.

  • This is where we turn your expertise into topics you can talk about. We’ll create your brand pillars, as well as a comprehensive list of hundreds of topics that cover every aspect of your business and lay the foundation for your content marketing strategy.

  • We’ll dive deep into your topic strategy and create the blueprint for how you’ll use the content. This includes things like: freebie content to build your email lists, creating your signature framework, digital products, online course or membership, podcast topics, social media strategies, and more.

  • This program includes 2 hour-long Brand Clarity Coaching sessions to help you start executing the Content Blueprint we just built.

About the 3-Points Signature Framework

The framework that not only helps you build your strategy, but walks you through exactly how to execute it, too. It covers three points:


The information and content that only you can speak to, based on your expertise, background, services you offer, and topics that you’re passionate about, related to your business


The way you deliver the information, that not only resonates with your ideal clients, but creates authenticity in your brand and ensures you’ll stay consistent when it comes to executing your marketing plan


The channels that are best suited to help you achieve the highest level of visibility with your ideal clients and build your following, based on how you deliver information

Proven results for servicepreneurs like you: