See your big vision, but struggle with the details?

Being an entrepreneur isn’t easy.

And if organization isn’t your strong suit, it can get overwhelming when you have so much on your plate, or so many ideas you want to implement, but don’t know where to start.

That’s where I come in.

As your Accountability Coach, I’ll help you keep track of everything in your business, turning your big goals into bite-sized tasks that are easier to wrap your head around and execute.

When we meet, we’ll talk tactics, review anything you want feedback on, work through any challenges you’re facing, and help you make the best decisions for your business.

If this sounds like you, it might be time to hire an accountability coach:

“I get easily distracted and know I'm more productive when someone else is holding me accountable”

“I feel stuck in my business and wish I had someone with marketing experience to bounce ideas off”

“I have great ideas, but I can’t figure out how to get them out of my head to execute them.”

“I really wish I could hire someone to help organize everything, but financially I’m not ready”

“I’m starting to feel like I need someone with more experience to help take my business to the next level, but not sure where to turn”

There is nothing I hate more than excel spreadsheets or project management tools, but I’m overwhelmed at the idea of building one for my business”

How It Works:

Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect when you start working with me as your Accountability Coach.

Want more time? Check out my Brand Clarity Coaching Program for hour-long sessions that cover everything here, but let us go deeper into your marketing, brand, and business strategies.

  • One-hour call to discuss your business goals, active projects you’re working on, and any branding areas you’d like support from me.

  • Everything from the strategy call gets transferred to a digital progress plan that we both have access to, and review during every accountability call.

  • We’ll meet every other week to review your progress, work through any roadblocks you’re facing, or discuss new ideas you have.

    Requirement: minimum of 3-months

Proven results for servicepreneurs like you: